- draw a bead on
- разг а) прице́литься в кого-л. / что-л.б) перен наце́литься на что-л.в) подве́ргнуть напа́дкам, раскритикова́ть
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
draw a bead on — To draw a bead on is to aim a gun at something and can be used to mean to focus on or aim at someting as a goal … The small dictionary of idiomes
draw a bead on — ► draw a bead on chiefly N. Amer. take aim at with a gun. Main Entry: ↑bead … English terms dictionary
draw a bead on — verb 1. aim with a gun The hunter drew a bead on the rabbit • Hypernyms: ↑aim, ↑take, ↑train, ↑take aim, ↑direct • Verb Frames: Somebody s something … Useful english dictionary
draw a bead on — {v. phr.} {informal} 1. To aim at; sight (with a gun). * /The deer bounded into the forest before the hunters could draw a bead on them./ * /John drew a bead on the elk, but didn t have the heart to pull the trigger./ 2. To take (something) as an … Dictionary of American idioms
draw a bead on — {v. phr.} {informal} 1. To aim at; sight (with a gun). * /The deer bounded into the forest before the hunters could draw a bead on them./ * /John drew a bead on the elk, but didn t have the heart to pull the trigger./ 2. To take (something) as an … Dictionary of American idioms
draw\ a\ bead\ on — v. phr. informal 1. To aim at; sight (with a gun). The deer bounded into the forest before the hunters could draw a bead on them. John drew a bead on the elk, but didn t have the heart to pull the trigger. 2. To take (smth) as an aim or goal. I m … Словарь американских идиом
draw a bead on — to shoot at or kill The bead is the foresight of an old style rifle, rather than the bullet: I am going to draw a bead on this gentleman. I am preparing an operation to liquidate him. (Goebbels, 1945, in translation he was particularly… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
draw a bead on — draw/take a bead on (someone/something) American to aim a gun at someone or something. He drew a bead on the last truck in line and fired at the fuel tank … New idioms dictionary
draw a bead on — get a bead on I drew a bead on the figure in the attic window Syn: aim at, fix on, focus on, zero in on, sight … Thesaurus of popular words
draw a bead on — verb To aim a gun at something Syn: take a bead on … Wiktionary
draw a bead on someone — draw/take a bead on (someone/something) American to aim a gun at someone or something. He drew a bead on the last truck in line and fired at the fuel tank … New idioms dictionary